ralph phillips
US Navy

8th Veteran of the Quarter

(Nomination and Story by Rich Peters)

I am honored to nominate Ralph Phillips to be the “Branson Bank, Veteran of the Quarter.” His wartime service was exemplary and his dedication to national and community service has continued to this day.

Ralph enlisted in the US Navy during WWII-July, 1943.  With only a 9th grade education he tested in the top 10% of his Boot Camp class and was immediately sent to Torpedo man School and then on to Submarine School.  Only highly qualified individuals, both mentally and physically, are selected for submarine duty; Ralph was one of the chosen few.

Ralph’s first assignment was aboard the USS Blackfin, SS322 where he served one war-patrol that involved destroying enemy shipping and surviving depth charge attacks by Japanese Destroyers.  After a shoulder injury that required hospitalization, Ralph was assigned to the USS Bluegill, SS242.  He served two war-patrols aboard Bluegill during which they destroyed several enemy ships and survived attacks by Japanese Sub-Chasers and Destroyers.  As WWII ended Ralph was transferred to the USS Pomfret, SS391 and finished his Navy service patrolling in the South Pacific.  He was Honorably Discharged in October, 1946.

After some 34 years of work, Ralph retired and moved to Branson where for the past 30 years he has dedicated himself to public service.  For example:
– Van Driver for the Disabled American Veterans
– Many years as a Salvation Army Volunteer
– Christian Action Ministries Volunteer
– More than 22 years as a Chamber of Commerce Volunteer
– More than 23 years as a “Meals on Wheels” Volunteer
– Three days a week, he works 6-hour shifts as a Skaggs Hospital Volunteer
– Volunteer Driver for Cancer Survivors

– American Legion Post 220 Volunteer

I am proud to nominate a special American, Ralph Phillips, for the “Branson Bank Veteran of the Quarter.”

For more stories about previously selected Branson Bank Veterans, please visit: www.bransonbank.com.  To nominate a local Veteran for The Branson Bank Veteran of the Quarter, please see a Customer Service Representative for the Nomination Form.  Veterans are chosen by a panel of their peers.