Internship Program Branson Bank
Online Banking
Program Goals

Branson Bank has made it a priority to invest in area students who have an interest in a future banking career. As a local, commu­nity bank, we have the unique ability to provide training in multiple bank departments. Our hopes are that, through this internship, students will be better prepared to seek specific careers within the banking industry upon entry into the workforce.

Learning Objectives

Branson Bank interns will experience day-to-day banking operations and see what functions multiple departments perform, given the opportunity to participate in each. The main objective of this training is to provide the intern with a broad overview of this community banking model, how a bank services the community via financial product and service offerings, and experience all the departments a community bank requires to operate.

Training Structure

Branson Bank will provide training for 15 weeks (a college semester) offering a minimum of 180 hours of experience within the following departments: Human Resources, Retail Teller Line, Retail New Accounts, Retail Operations, Loan Officer / Assistant, Loan Portfolio Management, Loan Operations, Bank Management, Compliance / Security, Information Technology, and Marketing.

Application Process

Branson Bank Internship position(s) will be posted through area collegiate partners. To apply, the student must complete the below forms and turn them in to Branson Bank prior to the semester interview.

Branson Bank College Intern Application Form

Branson Bank Employment Application / Background Check Acknowledgment

College Intern Packet / College Approval and Participation Agreement

A Selection Committee will perform an interview of all candidates. The Committee will make final selections based on the student’s interview and their compatibility with Branson Bank culture. Once final selection(s) are made, a Branson Bank representative will contact the student for orientation, which will need to be completed prior to the program start date.