Internship Program Encourages Local Career Development – March 09, 2020

With the enrollment of Spring Semester college courses, OTC and College of the Ozarks students were informed of an internship opportunity through Branson Bank. The internship, developed by the local bank, titled Test Drive, was created to educate students about the many facets of the financial industry while building relationships that encourage area college students to seek future careers in Taney and Stone County.
“As a member of the Taney County Partnership, we support the workforce development initiative by encouraging young students to stay – to live, work, and grow in this great community,” stated Bill Jones, President at Branson Bank. “This is one small way that we hope to serve our business community and it should prove to be a mutually beneficial partnership as we bring on young talent to our growing organization.”
Branson Bank is a local community bank with the unique ability to provide training in multiple financial and business-related departments. During the 15 week college semester, the selected intern will experience time with each of the following departments: Human Resources, Retail Teller Line, Retail New Accounts, Retail Operations, Loan Officer/ Assistant, Loan Portfolio Management, Loan Operations, Bank Management, Compliance/Security, Information Technology, and Marketing. The intern will complete the program with an overview of all the job opportunities available to those seeking future employment within a financial institution.
The local partnership is creating a path for future educational experiences to area college students. Branson Bank offers the internship opportunity to students affiliated with additional area colleges.
“My student, Dylan Ochoa, participated in this internship, and I am grateful for the investment that Branson Bank has made by opening their doors to area college students,” stated Dr. Wilkinson, Associate Professor of Communication Arts at College of the Ozarks. “They have made it a priority to help develop and grow our local workforce. We love to see area businesses participate in internships, and in turn, attract students looking to begin their future careers in the area.”